
I won't bore you attempting to give a witty synopsis of
myself. I will allow you to form your own..... and when you do, please share =)

Forever Grateful, Stephanie

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Seriously... does anyone have pliers??

I feel like I'm walking in an endless circle of frustration and tears. I swear, if I were my teeth, I'd jump out of my mouth too. Over the past summer, I have talked about and cried over my teeth more than most people talk and cry about anything!!

So, what happened this time?? Glad you asked... because I need to get this off my chest and then go the fuck to bed!! On friday, I receive a phone call from the UM dental school (finally considering I've been waiting a month for their call) and they ask if I can come in Monday to meet with the oral surgeon. Monday!?! Ok, I have no life or responsibilities or plans whatsoever, sure. (Of course, I do have all of those things, but I'm desperate to get this show on the road)

So, I drive 2 hours to Baltimore yesterday and immediately after I walk into the office, as I am still standing beside the dental chair, the oral surgeon turns to me and says, we cannot treat you in this office because your infection/case is too complex. You need to go across the street to the oral surgery hospital and be admitted and treated in a hospital setting. (I'm thinking, great.. that is exactly what I've been praying for b/c in a 'hospital setting' Medicare has to pay most of the costs).

She continues to give me instructions to head over there right away. I stop her and ask specifically, "am I having surgery today? Because I don't have a ride home, I'm only here with my daughter" and she said, "Oh, ok can you come first thing tomorrow morning?" So, again... because I don't have a life or a million things going on, I say 'sure'. She gives me instructions to be there as early as possible in the morning & make sure I don't eat anything after midnight in case they are able to do surgery tomorrow. So, I ask again for clarification, "So, is this just another consult or am I definitely being admitted to the hospital once I go over there because if it's just a consult, I can go over there now, right?" "Yes, ma'am, you need to be admitted to the hospital and receive IV antibiotics and pre-op blood transfusion" Great.. these people have finally got it figured out and I'm headed in the right direction... finally!!

Driving home, I text a million people to work out arrangements for someone to come with me, someone to take Caitlin to cheer then 9th grade orientation, someone else to take Madi to and from her last day of tryouts and someone else to stay the night at our house with the dogs. Getting all that situated before we even get back to WV, I was finally starting to let myself feel hopeful and then before bed, nervous even. I was finally going to have this infection taken care of once and for ALL!!

This morning comes pouring in.. literally.. it was POURING this morning the entire 2 & 1/2 hour ride to Baltimore while Fraz was sleeping in the passenger seat. I should have known that was my sign. I hate driving in the rain. I can't see a thing and my truck hydroplanes very easily. I should have stayed home!!

I really wish I listened to that bad feeling in my gut the whole ride there that this was a bad idea. I thought I was just nervous about the surgery itself, but no. I get to all the way there for them to tell me that...

1) I have a serious infection (duh)
2) I have to be treated with IV antibiotics (of course)
3) I need a pre-op blood transfusion (ok, that's standard for me)
4) I need to go elsewhere and get all of that done and then come back (WHAT??)

Yes, they told me that because of all of the above I might need to be admitted to A hospital and while I'm there also get this huge list of tests done BEFORE they will schedule my surgery. I instantly started crying while simultaneously Jonathon got pissed. As I tried to explain why I was so upset and everything that I've been through over at the dental school (including but not limited to, paying over 300 dollars now on 4 different 'consultations' and basically bounced from floor to floor, now building to building)

Whilst in the same room with me crying, the dental surgeon looks at the student and says, "Please explain to Her this offices procedures" (like I'm a fucking deaf, blind baby) and walks out of the room!!

Are You Fucking Kidding Me???

I think I'm getting the hint. After spending my entire summer and half my dental savings budget on the UM Dental School, I'm coming to realize, my case is obviously too complex for any of them to handle, so they just keep bullshitting me and sending me to other people.

I'm so done with Baltimore.. I'm so done with my mouth and my teeth... Seriously, does anyone have fucking pliers?? I'll pay you??

OH.... and I would say this was the worst day of my life.. However, there is always a silver lining.. I got home just in time to catch the end of Caitlin's 9th grade orientation AND the best part of the day.. I was the first one to hear Madi Love rip open her cheer tryout letter and scream "VARSITY!!" Yay!! Go Madi!! Thank you baby for making it possible to still fall asleep with a smile on my face!! I love you both so much and I can't believe you guys are starting middle/high school in a few days and made the cheer teams!!... I'm so proud of both of you!!

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