
I won't bore you attempting to give a witty synopsis of
myself. I will allow you to form your own..... and when you do, please share =)

Forever Grateful, Stephanie

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Day of rest??

Why is it such that even when I've 'penciled in' a day of rest on my calendar, I still feel uber guilty for relaxing and 'wasting' a day? So far, these past few weeks of summer have flown by at lightening speed. It's been chaotic, fun and exhausting.

Last night, I got a migraine headache so severe, I was smelling non-existent popcorn. I guess, I'm lucky that my phantom smell was actually a pleasant one. However, smelling something that no one else can smell is never a reassuring thing!

So, I penciled in a day of rest. I relaxed all day with the girls and Briley. We slept in late, watched some tv in bed & took a long nap. I should feel great after all that sleep, but instead just feel evermore tired. I'm also kicking myself for not utilizing the day better, getting my challenge blog posted earlier & overall knocking more off the never-ending to-do list.

Oh well, I think an extra round of yoga might ease my negative/sleepy mind. I'm really loving the constant burn and overall workout of yoga. Because of the migraine last night, I wasn't able to do any yoga before bed. Perhaps that is the very reason I spent so much time in bed today.

It may just be me, but when I do yoga within an hour before I go to sleep, I wake up right before my alarm goes off ready to take on the world. This is particularly sweet for someone like me whom, before I discovered yoga, was unable to get out of bed until I was handed a cup of coffee!

So, there it is & here I am... right here, right now. Regretful of the time lost.... No, working harder to make up for lost time?? Yeah, that's a good switch.

I will work hard this evening to ensure an energetically fabulous 4th of July weekend!! BOOM ;)

Wish me luck!

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