
I won't bore you attempting to give a witty synopsis of
myself. I will allow you to form your own..... and when you do, please share =)

Forever Grateful, Stephanie

Friday, July 4, 2014

Holy Freaking Energy!!!

Good Lord! I woke up 'late' today because it's my day off. However, I knew that I had to get my blog post & workout done early because I'll be partying later. So, I popped a tea bag in my lemon cleanse & guzzled it down, put on the fat blaster yoga video & got to work.

By the time I was done 20 minutes of yoga, my brain was on fire! I had to hold back some of my rambling & save it for future posts because i know everyone is busy today (lucky them or my post would've gone on for days!) Now, only 2 short hours since I've been up, I've completed Everything on the to-do list and then some!

I've really gotten hooked to doing yoga before bed because it helps me sleep so soundly and wake up so easily. But seriously, doing it in the morning....rock star mode ignited!! Guess I'll be continuing on this path doing yoga in am & pm?? Can't hurt, that's for sure!

I really hope everyone reading my posts are at the least, trying some of the suggestions because I am feeling absolutely amazing & my only goal on this path is to share the wealth & amazingness with as many people as possible!

Wish me luck!

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