
I won't bore you attempting to give a witty synopsis of
myself. I will allow you to form your own..... and when you do, please share =)

Forever Grateful, Stephanie

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Playing Mom & Dad

In my 14 years of parenthood, I've spent more than half of that time playing mom & dad to my daughters. So far, the task has been easy & came naturally. However, my oldest daughter, now, has her first 'real' boyfriend. He's a sweet kid, but unfortunately comes with the typical drama that any cute 15 year old boy carries. He has an ex-girlfriend that wants him back & is causing petty internet drama trying to stir things up with the new couple.

It worries me, as a mother, because I don't want to see my baby girl get hurt. So, the fatherly instinct in me, decided to be proactive and talk to the boy in, what can only be described as, a motherly fashion... I think??

I simply said, 'so, I hear you love my daughter. Well, it took me 13 years to create that perfect, honest & kind heart that you love & if you break it or damage it, in anyway, you'll have to answer to me & I'm stronger than I look''

Then her best friend, Lexi, cut into the conversation as I was walking out of the room. I overheard her say, 'yeah, me too... if you hurt her, I'll cut off your toe!''

As I reached the second floor to my house, I yelled downstairs, ''I'll cut off something else!''

Ha ha... my joke was laughed at by all the kids comfortably hanging in my living room (which on a whole 'nother soap box... I'm regretting moving to the basement & have to convince my poor mule aka 'the fiance' to move it back to the second floor aka 'easier to spy space')

I just really hope my original message was heard, understood & will be taken seriously. I also pray that this boy doesn't break my daughters perfect heart. As I tried to explain to her, every person you love changes you on levels equivalent to the amount of love you share.

Whether that change is good or bad, I'm nervous to watch my daughter grow and morph into a young woman. At the same time, I'm also very excited & understand, fully, that this is all just part of the greater process child-rearing. You nurture them, love them, hug them and kiss them. You teach them, model for them, attempt to inspire & enlighten them. Then, after all that hard work... you must simply (ha) let them go!!

Ugh, wish me luck blogtopia!!

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