
I won't bore you attempting to give a witty synopsis of
myself. I will allow you to form your own..... and when you do, please share =)

Forever Grateful, Stephanie

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What was I thinking??

The answer to that question, no matter who is asking or who is being asked is.. I wasn't!!
I am very pleased & shocked that so many people (5,149 to be exact) have taken the time to check out my blog 21 day challenge by Stephanie Chasles  However, I don't know why I didn't take the time to start a new blog, solely dedicated to the challenge, at the start. Now, because of it's magnitude, I feel as though it would be inappropriate to continue on, writing my random thoughts, as I once did, on the previous blog. I wish, even further, that there was a way to steal all of those old posts (the random ones) and put them on here.

I hope, eventually, I will figure out a way to sort the random from the diet stuff, but for now. It is what it is. I will continue to only post diet related posts on the old site & begin a completely new & ever-random journey here. Thanks for your support, your time, your interest & your patience.

This past week has been more busy and chaotic than during the challenge, due to the final results update. Along with the blog readers in general, I have received a number of emails requesting copies of the book (which is not even complete yet) & requesting personal help with their own challenge. It would have been so much easier had I just taken the "Advocare" products with my sister and then worked hard like I intended anyway. So, instead of selling my own knowledge and expertise, I could just push some supplements and rack in the dough.

But... I've never been one to take the easy way. I thought, I could successfully meet my fitness goals on my own, based on my knowledge of nutrition and exercise. I know, I can help people through the more difficult aspects of any diet, which is getting motivated, getting to the root cause of the weight problem to begin with and maintaining self-confidence regardless of weight (because of my education in psychology)... All of which, are key to successful and lasting results. So, I did it my way and, now, I have 10 emails/phone calls awaiting my reply at any given minute & a book to get to the editor ASAP!!

Let's not forget the fact that I am also working on my dissertation to finish my PhD, I have 2 preteen/teen daughters that will be home for the summer in 7 days, a very special little lady named Briley that I watch, teach, learn from and grow with everyday & a very young, very inconsistent fiance that teeters back and forth from being my best friend to a couch/xbox potato & yet another person I have to look after and last, but certainly not least, I have my health (or lack thereof) that always seems to fail me when I need it the most.

I have a very rare blood disorder called sickle-beta thalasemia anemia. It's rare because it's really two different blood disorders & I, unfortunately, have both and it's rare because, frankly, I'm white. But, as my former students at CCMS ( a predominantly black and Hispanic middle school, at which I began my teaching career) use to say... I'm not really white. I'm Italian and Greek & it is more common among Mediterranean folks like myself. So, my disease throws curve balls at me regularly. No, regularly is not the right word. Regularly sounds as if they are thrown in some consistent "regular" way... No, my disease is so randomly chaotic, just like my life.

So, here it is.. my new Random Chaos blog.. thanks for following me to the new page. I have a lot of work ahead of me and a crazy busy summer well on its way, but I plan to check in here often for much needed venting!!

Wish me luck blogtopia!!

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