
I won't bore you attempting to give a witty synopsis of
myself. I will allow you to form your own..... and when you do, please share =)

Forever Grateful, Stephanie

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Up All Night!!!

Does anyone else, out there in blogtopia, have an extremely defiant and rebellious brain?? You know, the kind of brain that seems to always do the exact opposite of what is needed. For example, the more important the day ahead, the more relaxation/meditation I do to ease my brain for a good nights rest, the more restless it becomes. It's like my brain is a rebellious teenager & I already have 3 of those living in my house. I, most certainly, do not need one living inside my head.

Dear brain, 

When I say, "It is time to go to sleep" do not back talk me with your scattered, racing thoughts. Do not defy me by purposefully remembering every "to-do" item on my never-ending list. Certainly, do not rebel me by only coming up with creative ideas after I've told you to rest & ignoring my inquires while I'm sitting with my fingers on the keyboard waiting on your direction. Sometimes, frankly, YOU SUCK!! 

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